Intermountain MLS provides classes on the products that are available to IMLS members free of charge. There are in-person classes held at the IMLS Office in Boise, monthly in Twin Falls as well as annually in Lewiston, McCall, and Moscow. Classes are available on Paragon, Listing Input & Maintenance, IMLS Rules, MLS New Member Orientation, MLS Mobile Tools, Instanet, Realtors Property Resource (RPR), Cloud CMA, CRS Data, Form Simplicity and more. Some classes have Idaho CE elective credit available. You can see upcoming classes in Boise on the IMLS Class Calendar here – https://imlsmembers.com/education Classes in Twin Falls are on the Western Magic Valley Realtors class calendar here – https://wmvrealtors.com/classes/
In-Person classes provide the opportunity to do hands-on training in a classroom setting. This also allows for questions to be asked and answered in real time. And this keeps away “Zoom Fatigue”. Classes are on the calendar for the next few months. You can register for classes on the class calendar or from the IMLS Gateway by clicking on the “Class Registration” icon under “Other Services & Tool” (Click Show More to see all the icons).